Why Holistic Psychotherapy vs. Traditional Talk Therapy?
Holistic Psychotherapy integrates the elements of the mind, body and spirit into the therapeutic healing journey. Often times, traditional talk therapy focuses solely on the mind, where individual’s thoughts and emotions are attended to but the body and spirit are unfortunately left untouched. Holistic psychotherapy allows for us to incorporate elements of Eastern healing, such as breathwork, guided imagery, somatic massage work, massage, yoga, acupuncture, alternative functional medicine, and nutritionists, into our traditional framework of psychotherapy. By opening ourselves up to the expansive healing options, we allow for the mind, body, and spirit to be attended to and the core wounds in all three of those to be heard and healed, leading towards a cohesively healed self.
Why are you not seeing clients in person and only offering Telehealth?
At this time, Grass Roots Healing, LLC believes that with the ever changing COVID-19 mandates and regulations it is imperative to offer their clients consistency and safety. Providing services via Telehealth has allowed for our clients to continue their therapy services in a safe environment and allows for us to see one another without our masks on! If we were to move back into the office, masks would be required and we would miss some of the subtleties that happen when we are able to see one another’s full face/expression. These subtleties can be imperative for trauma-processing work we do with some clients, and offers a higher level of connection and sense of rapport.
Why doesn't Grass Roots Healing, LLC accept insurance?
Grass Roots Healing provides therapy services stemming from a holistic approach, which includes both Eastern and Western interventions and healing modalities. That being said, we’ve observed that the health insurance system does not recognize or cover expenses for some of the interventions that we implement in the healing process. In addition to insurance companies not recognizing the utility of some of the holistic approaches utilized here at Grass Roots Healing, we also believe that individuals do not necessarily need a clinical diagnosis to engage in treatment and ultimately heal. A clinical diagnosis would only be given if the provider feels it is necessary to help the client therapeutically and obtain supportive resources, and would be discussed with you prior.
Are you considered an "out of network provider"?
Yes, for most insurance companies we are considered to be an out of network provider. So this means that you can pay for therapy with any out of network provider that you choose, and then submit an invoice to your insurance (provided by Grass Roots Healing [“a superbill”]), and you can request full or partial reimbursement for therapy based on your plan. The superbill does require a formal diagnosis to be eligible for submission, so please discuss this with your therapist during your intake.
**Please be aware that submitting a superbill for reimbursement carries a certain amount of risk, as we cannot control how your information is used once submitted to the insurance companies. Not all therapeutic issues are reimbursable and it is your responsibility to verify the specifics of your coverage. Please contact your insurance provider to find out additional information related to reimbursement.
What does a typical session look like?
A typical session is 50-minutes, beginning with a brief check-in regarding the interim between our appointments, space for us to process the connections and concepts we have been working on uncovering and understanding, and then we wrap the session up in a supportive manner, where we discuss any potential obstacles coming up in the near future, create ways to integrate the session into daily functioning, and then Dr. Reyka will always ask if there is any additional way she can support you before ending the session.
The initial session looks a bit different, as we are trying to get to know one another and create a treatment plan surrounding your therapeutic goals. Dr. Reyka will ask more questions in this session than she normally would to gain background information. This is also where we ensure that we are still a good fit for one another!
How do I get started working with Dr. Reyka?
Dr. Reyka encourages all new potential clients who are interested in learning more about the services provided at Grass Roots Healing to reach out using the “Contact” page above and request a free 20-minute video or phone consultation. Feel free to also email to set up a consultation at drjessicareyka@grassroots-healing.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about your healing journey!